This page contains links to regional or country level archaeological registers, where visitors might submit their archaeological finds or check whether they are already known archaeological sites. This is a continually changing resource and if you know of any other registers that do not appear within this list please advise the admin of the Facebook group ‘LiDAR and Aerial Archaeology’.
Global UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Bulgaria Archaeological Register
Canada Quebec Report an Archaeological Discovery
China State Administration of Culture Heritage
England Archaeology Data Services
England Historic England Archaeological Mapping
England Portable Antiquities Scheme
France Archaeological Register
Greece National Archive of Monuments
India Archaeological Survey of India
Ireland National Monuments Service
Jordan The National Heritage Documentation and Management System
Middle East and North Africa Endangered Archaeology EAMENA
Netherlands Portable Antiquities
Nigeria National Commission for Museums and Monuments
Northern Ireland Historic Environment Map Viewer
Poland Archaeological Register
Romania Cartographic Server for the National Cultural Heritage
Scotland Shetland Islands Council
Slovakia archaeological register
Spain Castilia and Leon General Directorate of Cultural Heritage
Switzerland Archaeological Heritage
USA Alaska Bureau of Land Management Archaeology
USA Alaska Heritage Resources Survey
USA Alaska Office of History and Archaeology
USA Arizona Archaeological Records Office
USA Arkansas Archaeological Survey
USA California Historical Resources Information System
USA Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation
USA Connecticut’s Official State Website
USA Delaware Architectural and Archaeological Survey
USA Florida Historical Resources
USA Hawaii State Archaeologist
USA Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites
USA Idaho Archaeological Survey
USA Illinois State Archaeological Survey
USA Iowa The Office of the State Archaeologist
USA Indiana Historic Preservation
USA Kansas Historic Resources Inventory
USA Kansas State Archaeologist
USA Kentucky Office of State Archaeology
USA Louisiana Division of Archaeology
USA Maine Historic Preservation Commission
USA Massachusetts DCR Archaeology
USA Massachusetts Archaeology Resources
USA Minnesota State Archaeology
USA Mississippi Dept of Archives and History
USA Montana Historical Society
USA Nevada State Register of Historic Places
USA New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources
USA New Jersey Archaeological Survey
USA New Mexico Historic Preservation Division
USA Ohio Archaeological Inventory
USA Washington Dept. of Archaeology
USA Wisconsin State Archaeology
Vici Community Driven Archaeological Atlas of Antiquity
Wales Historic Environment Records